Oxford Semantic Technologies was born out of decades of research into Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) by three professors at the University of Oxford Computer Science department, including Professor Ian Horrocks, winner of the BCS Lovelace Medal, awarded in recognition of his significant contributions towards reasoning systems.
Just like we reason as human beings, RDFox has been built from the ground up as a knowledge-based reasoning engine. Delivering the most powerful reasoning for AI applications where accuracy, truth and explainability are essential.
RDFox can deduce and build new knowledge based on facts, not fiction.
The only knowledge graph that operates in-memory, RDFox consistently out performs other graph technologies in benchmark tests by many orders of magnitude.
Designed to handle the largest knowledge and data stores, up to billions of triples with huge complexity, where real-time results and high availability are key.
Due to its incredible efficiency and optimised footprint, RDFox is the only enterprise-grade knowledge graph and reasoner that can be embedded on edge and mobile devices.
RDFox operates as the brain to your AI application independently and with total privacy—enabling the next generation of the Internet of Things.
The in-memory design produces 10-1000x faster results than other graph databases and enables enterprise-level scaling.
Avoid downtime—keep your solution online 24/7, 365 days a year, with RDFox's high availability setup.
Who can and can't access data is always a top priority, so RDFox gives you complete control.
Unlike other AI, RDFox is logic-based, so guarantees truth, accuracy, and auditability.
RDFox’s unique semantic reasoning draws human conclusions, enabling the efficient extraction of powerful insights.
We offer data import options from multiple sources and a RESTful API for flexible connectivity.
We use the open RDF standard to make it easier to transfer your data between RDF triple stores.
We provide access to our expert knowledge engineers as standard, supporting your project along the way.
RDFox’s reasoning makes updates as soon as data is added or removed without impacting performance or requiring a reload.
The use of knowledge-based AI and knowledge graph technology is rapidly becoming prevalent across multiple industry sectors, covering a vast range of applications. Our clients are leveraging the power of RDFox to solve today’s greatest challenges.