RDFox is the high-performance knowledge graph and Semantic Reasoning Engine.

The world's most performant knowledge graph and knowledge based AI engine.

RDFox offers knowledge graph and reasoning visualization tools alongside code editors, API's and shell access.
RDFox is cutting-edge technology, continuing development after spinning out of the University of Oxford.

Why choose RDFox for your next AI or KRR project?

Founded by three professors at the University of Oxford, Oxford Semantic Technologies emerged as a result of extensive research into Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR), out of which came the most powerful Knowledge Graph and Semantic Reasoning engine on the market today, RDFox. Among founders is Professor Ian Horrocks, a recipient of the BCS Lovelace Medal, which honors exceptional contributions to the advancement of information systems and computer science.

Semantic Reasoning

As an AI reasoning engine, RDFox mirrors human reasoning principles. With unrivalled reasoning capabilities, relying on accuracy, truth, and explainability, it empowers the next generation of AI applications . By inferring new knowledge exclusively from factual data, RDFox ensures results firmly grounded in reality.

RDFox supports incremental reasoning. The consequences of rules are updated automatically without a restart.

Incremental reasoning

RDFox’s incremental reasoning capabilities cause the consequences of the rules-based AI to be applied to the database in real-time as data is added, changed, or removed—all without needing a restart. Only the relevant information is updated without needing to reanalyse the entire data set, making the process as efficient as possible. By avoiding the explosive complexity, RDFox offers the highest possible performance.

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RDFox automatically materializes data upon import.

Automated materialisation

Inferred knowledge and data are automatically materialised in your knowledge graph, avoiding the need to manually update through queries—saving significant development time and effort.

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RDFox support negation as failure in reasoning with Datalog rules.

Negation as failure

RDFox allows you to infer new knowledge based on data that does NOT exist in your knowledge graph. This provides a far more powerful rules-based AI capability that can handle cases where knowledge or data is, or should be, absent.

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RDFox support aggregation in reasoning with Datalog rules.


Aggregation allows numeric value calculations to be made across groups of data in the knowledge graph and then automatically materialised as new knowledge.

Scalability and Performance

As a highly-optimised in-memory knowledge graph engine, RDFox consistently outperforms competitors by orders of magnitude in benchmark tests. Built to handle everything from massive knowledge bases and data sets with billions of deeply interconnected facts, to tiny on-device applications, RDFox ensures real-time processing and high availability across the board.

RDFox is an in-memory database - one of the many reasons for its industry leading spead.

In-memory operation

RDFox has been specifically designed and optimised to run in-memory instead of on disk. This fully leverages the orders-of-magnitude difference in data transfer speed between RAM and SSD storage – resulting in loading and query times that can often be 10-1000x faster or more.

This enables applications where a customer or end user only needs to wait a few milliseconds even when there may be billions of data triples being queried.

RDFox supports incremental reasoning. The consequences of rules are updated automatically without a restart.

Incremental reasoning

Incremental reasoning executes rules dynamically, adapting the database in real-time as data is modified. Throughout this process, only the relevant information is considered making it significantly faster than needing to update and reload the entire knowledge graph. RDFox can also process 2-3 million inferences of new facts per second.

RDFox support high availability setups.

High availability

RDFox supports high availability—the ability to replicate knowledge and data changes across multiple running RDFox servers to ensure that service is uninterrupted in the event that any one RDFox server experiences an outage or disruption.

RDFox offers knowledge graph and reasoning visualization tools alongside code editors, API's and shell access.

Why RDFox?

Enterprise features at the heart of RDFox applications.


RDFox can be deployed on cloud instance to comfortably handle even the largest datasets.


Whether in development or simply through convenience, RDFox can be run smoothly on-premises.


For greater security, mobility, and in-situ analytics, look no further than RDFox on-device.


RDFox on edge-device is the technology driving the next generation of the Internet of Things.


With patented optimization technology, RDFox is highly-scalable, able to handle the largest data sets with ease.


RDFox is the only in-memory knowledge graph on the market, which also makes it the fastest.


RDFox is an incredible lightweight application and has a highly optimised memory footprint.

Incremental Reasoning

RDFox’s reasoning makes updates as soon as data is added or removed without impacting performance or requiring a reload.

Expert Knowledge

We provide access to our expert knowledge engineers as standard, supporting your project along the way.

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Now we can do the impossible.
Engineering Director
Dow Jones
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Screaming fast triple store enabling real-time use cases
Jacobus Geluk
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A request time of several minutes with other SPARQL engines is often solved in less than one second with RDFox !
Nicolas R.
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We went from a 3 day backload of our graph database to it taking 20 minutes.
Engineering Director
Dow Jones
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RDFox is incredibly fast!
Marcelo Barbieri
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RDFox is brilliant
Angus Addlesee
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Makes SPARQL and RDF/Linked Data a joy to work with.
Timothy Thompson
Yale University
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Fast database with great reasoning capabilities.
Marcus Nölke
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RDFox is the most advanced knowledge graph on the market, having spun out of the University of Oxford.

RDFox in practice

Operating on device

Due to its incredibly efficient and optimised footprint, RDFox is the only enterprise-grade knowledge graph and reasoner that can be installed on edge and mobile devices, operating as the brain to your AI application independently and with total privacy. Enabling the next generation of the Internet of Things:

  • Edge devices such as a Raspberry Pi or microcontroller
  • IoT devices such as smart home technology and industrial equipment
  • Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets
  • Onboard devices such as car infotainment systems or decision control systems

RDFox can operate on a device either independently or as a server-based network system.

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RDFox can be deployed on anything from mobile or edge device to the largest cloud instances available.
RDFox is a knowledge graph database, storing data in a network structure.

RDF triple store

RDFox’s inbuilt graph database uses the open RDF standard, meaning greater flexibility to switch between different RDF triple stores and less vendor lock-in. As standard we support:

  • SPARQL 1.1 for queries
  • Datalog and SWRL for rules
  • OWL 2 (RL) for ontologies
  • SHACL for validation

RDFox can comfortably handle billions of triples while maintaining its industry defining performance.

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APIs and Data Management

RDFox can be accessed via a RESTful or Java API.

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Results can be imported and exported in a several formats, including:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • N-Triples
  • Turtle
  • TriG
  • OWL 2 Functional-Style Syntax
  • And many more!
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RDFox support data management and can import and export in many formats via the shell, UI or API - dark.

RDFox Applications

The use of knowledge-based AI and knowledge graph technology is rapidly becoming prevalent across multiple industry sectors, covering a vast range of applications. Our clients are leveraging the power of RDFox to solve today’s greatest challenges.

Semantic Search and Personal Recommendations with Knowledge Graphs and AI - dark.

One of the biggest frustrations for consumers and business experts alike is the inability to find the precise product or information that they are looking for, only to be recommended products or information that are unhelpful and irrelevant. RDFox delivers accurate results not seen in other AI or conventional technologies.

Regulatory compliance and rules with knowledge graphs and rules-based AI - dark.

Regulated industries, including financial services and healthcare, face increasing pressures to make decisions based on complex rules and regulations. Compliance is vital to protect consumers and institutes alike against financial fraud and cybercrime. RDFox delivers instant decisions and detection based on complex rules and patterns.

Product configuration and compatibility management with a knowledge graph - light image.

Many manufacturers and retailers face the headache of providing customers with compatible product configurations in real-time, whether it is matching furniture or millions of possible permutations of engineered components. RDFox delivers immediate and optimal solutions to turn complex into simple.

Drive autonomous vehicles with knowledge graphs and AI.

Whether piloting a car, truck, aircraft, or boat, a challenge facing all autonomous systems is the ability to make the correct and immediate decision every time. Speed of thought is critical in any autonomous vehicle application, and RDFox’s advanced reasoning and on-device capabilities provide the brain of a safe, explainable and accurate platform.

RDFox support data management and can import and export in many formats via the shell, UI or API - dark.

Over the last decade, the abundance of data has become a obstacle in and of itself. Today, the true challenge lies around consolidation and analysis—finding valuable knowledge in a sea of information. RDFox does exactly that, enabling rapid data integration and advanced analysis.